Las Vegas Nutrition Coaching And Counseling

For Individuals With 50+ Pounds To Lose We Recommend They Start With Nutrition Counseling And Coaching And Focus On Daily Meal Planning Before Hitting The gym For Best Results!

Las Vegas Nutrition Coaching And Counseling Program 

Private Nutrition Coaching And Counseling With Meal Planning Gradually adding Physical Activity!



Las Vegas Nutrition Coaching Program: Girl ShoppingWelcome to Las Vegas Private Nutrition Coaching and Counseling by PerfectImage4Life. We are so glad that you are here! By visiting our Las Vegas nutrition coaching program today you’ve taken a big step toward living a healthy lifestyle and that all begins with healthy eating habits. Whether you need some counseling, a total diet makeover, extra motivation, accountability, help with coping strategies/triggers or just a little assistance with meal planning we have the program for you! If you have been told by your doctor that you need to watch what you eat because of problems with high blood pressure, high blood cholesterol or excess weight gain and/or you want to reduce your risk of developing major lifestyle diseases such as heart disease, diabetes, and cancer as you age, this counseling – coaching program may be what you have been looking for.  Healthy eating has many benefits, including A BETTER QUALITY OF LIFE, SUSTAINED ENERGY, IMPROVED SELF ESTEEM, lower blood pressure and cholesterol and the best part, you will LOOK AND  FEEL AMAZING. In fact many people just like you have followed our one of a kind nutrition coaching, counseling and meal planning program and have been able to improve their eating habits despite years of poor unhealthy choices…and you can do it too!

Who We Are


We are a team of Certified Sports Nutritionists specializing in nutrition coaching, counseling and weight management. We are also Certified Personal Trainers that have several years of experience helping people just like you get in the best shape of their lives by incorporating proper nutrition to their daily life through meal planning and utilizing proven coaching/counseling strategies in the kitchen and in the gym. We realize that to obtain the best results from any program a COMPLETE SOLUTION to health and wellness is the answer. Not everyone is in good enough shape physically to start working out and doing intense cardio sessions. For Individuals with 50+ pounds to lose we recommend they start with nutrition coaching/counseling and focus on meal planning before hitting the gym for best results! Because you cannot fix a bad diet in the gym! This is why we have put together a complete nutrition coaching program that includes CUSTOM MEAL PLANNING and weekly ONGOING EDUCATION gradually working up to ADDING PHYSICAL ACTIVITY and the option of continuing on to our 6 month level based PERSONAL TRAINING PROGRAM to tighten and tone your body and bring your program full circle.

Nutrition Coaching And Counseling Strategies:


In addition to helping you incorporate a balanced diet utilizing our nutrition coaching and counseling strategies, your private nutrition coach will teach you important LIFESTYLE STRATEGIES that are necessary to make PERMANENT HABIT CHANGES. When meeting with your certified nutrition coach you will be lead through a complete coaching and counseling program consisting of 24 private sessions that spans over the course of 6 months. This unique nutrition coaching and counseling program START WITH THE BASICS of meal planning and incorporates proven COACHING STRATEGIES and GRADUALLY adds PHYSICAL ACTIVITY with the option of working with a certified personal trainer in our private fitness studio.

Nutrition Coaching With A Twist!


During your first 12 weeks of your nutrition coaching/counseling program you will be introduced to the basics starting with:

  • setting realistic and attainable goals.
  • Learning and applying accountability.
  • Understand calories, macros and deficits.
  • Learning how to log your daily food intake.
  • Healthy shopping and dining out strategies.
  • Coping with food and emotional triggers.
  • seeking help from the people around you and applying other behavior skills that result in YOU making a long term change for life.
  • And Much more….

The Complete Nutrition Coaching and Counseling Solution!



Las Vegas Nutrition Coaching and Counseling Solution, weeky consultations

Weekly Consultations

You will meet with your Weight Management Nutrition Coach each week to discuss your challenges and successes. Together we will set your goals and put a plan in place the following week. These private counseling sessions may be in-home or by telephone depending on your specific location.

Las Vegas Nutrition Coaching and Counseling Solution, education and support

 Education & Support

When it comes to weight loss your support team makes all the difference. your certified nutrition coach/counselor will provide you with the information that you need for your everyday life-style. This may include dining out strategies, grocery shopping lists, specific triggers, motivation, calorie adjustments and more.

las vegas Nutritionist - Personal trainer nutrition coaching and counselig

Meal Planning

Discover how to improve your eating habits and increase your energy levels by incorporating a few simple proven techniques to your daily routine. Our team of certified nutrition professionals have the knowledge and experience and will show you how to tailor your nutrition through the Las Vegas meal planning program, for your specific body type, and to achieve your desired goals.

Las Vegas Personal Trainer nutrition coaching and counseling program

+ Physical Activity

Gradually adding physical activity does not have to mean lifting weights or strenuous exercise, it however may include, walking, jogging, swimming, strength training as well as other physical activities. Your nutrition coach and personal trainer will set your individual activity level as you progress through your nutrition coaching and counseling program.

Have a question? Call a Las Vegas Personal Trainer now at 702-341-6052! Call Today Start tomorrow!


 Program Overview


The majority of our clients that we work with are looking for a long-term solution to weight loss. When it comes to weight management a personalized and individualized approach is required. Utilizing a few simple forms ranging from your health history to your specific goal assessment, Our weight loss nutrition coach in Las Vegas will work with you privately to determine your specific caloric needs and help you accomplish your weight management goals. If weight-loss or long-term weight management is your main goal, PI4L Fitness & nutrition coaching and our Weight Loss Coaching program can help you finally lose the weight for good! Please Read on to learn more about our meal planning and weight management services offered at PI4L Fitness & Nutrition Coaching.

The first step of your transformation is determining your specific fitness and nutrition needs and getting your mind and body focused on the journey ahead. During your initial session your certified weight management nutrition coach will sit down one-on-one with you and together we will design a program that will fit your lifestyle, and help you accomplish your goals,  Please read below to learn more.


Your nutrition coach will:


  • Meet with you one-on-one in our private in home office.
  • Discuss the previous weeks habits, triggers, activities, and goals.
  • Discover challenges that you may have had and determine solutions.
  • Celebrate successes that you may have in the past week.
  • Document your weight, measurements and body fat percentage.
  • Discuss weekly meal plan details and goals for the current week.
  • Put a plan and specific goals in place for the following week.
  • Answer any questions that you may have.


Your Nutrition Coaching Program Consists Of 3 Phases:

Combining Nutrition Coaching  with custom meal planning, recommended supplementation and eventually adding physical activities. This program is not a diet, or a temporary solution together, we are making a change for life.


Phase one:  Beginning Nutrition Coaching and Meal Planning

Phase two:   Intermediate Nutrition Coaching and Meal Planning

Phase three: Adding Physical Activity.


Note: Physical activity does not have to mean lifting weights or strenuous exercise, it however may include, walking, jogging, swimming as well as other daily activities. We will set your individual physical activities as you progress through your specific program.

Optional Personal Fitness training.


Yes we are also certified personal fitness trainers, no you won’t have to pump weights with us. You have the freedom to lift weights while on this program if you choose. If you would like assistance designing a workout program we can include that in your nutrition coaching Program for an additional investment. If you are looking for a personal trainer, please see the Engineering4Life 6 Month personal Training Program.

Your Weight Management & Body Fat %


Las Vegas Nutrition Coaching and counseling with meal planning Because muscle weighs more than fat and weighing and measuring can determine where you are losing inches and pounds, the fat percentage analysis will tell us how much fat you have lost or how much muscle you have gained. From this information your Weight Management Nutrition Coach will alter your calories and vitamins and minerals accordingly to get you the best results possible. Your weight and body fat will be tested on a weekly basis when meeting with your nutrition coach.




weight management coach and nutritionist, nutrition coaching and counselingYour Measurements

During your initial consultation and each month your Weight Management Nutrition Coach will take full body measurements to determine exactly where you are making progress and perhaps areas that need further attention. All of the data is stored in your personal file and accessible online for you and your coach to view for your convenience. Our one of a kind online tracking tools and smartphone app will help you keep track of your progress and evaluate your progress when you are away from your coach! Full body measurements are taken and tracked during the Body and Nutrition Assessment.




las vegas weight management nutrition coaching and weight managementYour Eating Habits

DIET! Ah.. the four letter word and more than likely the reason you are looking at our website, even though you may not even realize it yet, 99% of the time your eating habits are out of whack! The funny thing about nutrition is this: Most people are so confused in this area that they actually do more harm then good to their bodies. Sure you can eat healthy and assume that you are eating right, but how do you know you are eating right for your body type? How do you determine if you are eating the right foods to achieve your goals? 90% of the people that sit down with us skip meals, eat more or less than they need to, consume the wrong type of  foods, and the incorrect portions. A nutrition assessment with a nutrition coach  is crucial if weight-loss or muscle gain is one of your goals and is only available during the Body and Nutrition Assessment and requires that you work privately with a Weight Management nutrition  Coach. Please read on to learn about The Body & Nutrition Assessment offered at PI4L Fitness & Nutrition Coaching.


Summary: We begin with a  90 minute private assessment with a Weight Management Nutrition Coach that includes a complete dissecting of your current eating habits, full body measurements and body fat testing….not to mention you get the answers to all those questions that you have been wondering about for all these years … And… if that isn’t enough, we are  including a printed meal plan and grocery list customized for you, to get you on the right track to achieving your health and fitness goals. You won’t find this elsewhere, you definitely won’t find this at any Las Vegas gym or Athletic Club, you won’t even find it at your local Jenny Craig Center or Las Vegas Weight Watchers meeting. You would be lucky to find this through a Registered Dieticians office and they would charge you $600 + for this kind of service FOR ONLY ONE APPT!  So I ask you now, pick up the phone and call  at 702-341-6052 to speak with a Weight Management Nutritionist, get scheduled for your personalized body and nutrition assessment, and start loving the way you look and feel! Get scheduled for your Body & Nutrition Assessment by clicking HERE

Determining Your Fitness Level And Nutrition Needs


Las Vegas Weight Management Nutritionist consultationWeekly Consultation:

During your weekly nutrition Consultations you will sit down with your Certified Weight Management nutrition Coach for an in-depth discussion about your past week. this is the time to get your questions answered and talk about your weekly accomplishments & challenges. Once completed we will put your game-plan in place to accomplish your goals, you will have clear expectations of the week ahead. We will go over your health history, discuss your specific goals and how we can help you accomplish them by incorporating training and nutrition into your daily routine.

Topics Covered: Your health history, specific goals, scheduling your daily routine, your weight & measurements, Your body fat %, Your customized program. Nutrition & Meal Planning Services are not covered in the BASIC CONSULTATION please see the BODY & NUTRITION ASSESSMENT!

Get scheduled for your basic  consultation and start seeing results!

weight management nutritonist and weight loss healthy saladThe Body And Nutrition Assessment!

Discover how you can improve your eating habits by incorporating a few simple proven techniques to your daily routine. A Certified Weight Management Nutrition Coach has the knowledge, experience, and credentials and can show you how to tailor your nutrition through meal planning, for your specific body type, and to achieve your desired goals. During this 90 minute session together, your Weight Nutrition Management Coach will dissect your current eating habits, determine your weight, body fat percentage and full body measurements, and give you the tools necessary to begin seeing the results that you desire from your program!

“Did you know that 80% of your results come from your eating habits and20% come from your workout efforts?”

Working out without complete nutrition and eating right without proven workouts are both incomplete programs! We are putting it all together: nutrition, fitness, coaching & consulting to offer you a complete solution to health and wellness. The Body & Nutrition Assessment includes a low-fat meal plan to kick start you on the right path to accomplishing your goals!

Topics Covered: Your health history, specific goals, training schedule, your daily routine, your current eating habits, nutrition assessment, low-fat meal plan included, Your weight & measurements, Your body fat %, Your customized program! 

Investment $299 Duration 90 minutes
Get scheduled for your Body & Nutrition Assessment with a Certified Weight Management Nutrition Coach by clicking HERE

weight management nutritonist and weight loss with optional fitness evaluation

The Fitness Evaluation!

Now that we have determined your current daily habits, your goals and have a game plan in place, its time to put your routine together. Because everyone has different strengths and challenges and we want your workout to be safe, effective, challenging, yet attainable, you will go through a Fitness Evaluation. The purpose of this session is to determine your physical abilities, strengths and challenges, keeping your workouts fun, effective and putting your safety first! Your doctor shouldn’t prescribe medicine without first doing an assessment and neither should a personal fitness trainer!

Topics Covered: Your heart rate including resting, recovery, and fat burning zones, Your lab results (if applicable), Your strength, flexibility, balance and coordination, core strength and power!

Investment $99 Duration 60 minutes

Once the Body & Nutrition Assessment and Fitness Evaluation are completed you are ready to start the introductory week learning Circuit 1 Level 1 CONDITION!
Las Vegas weight management nutritionist level 1

Get scheduled for your Body & Nutrition Assessment HERE

 | Text BodyNut to 801-833-9573 |


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Gaining Strength and Burning Fat

Las Vegas weight management nutritionist level 1 During Level 1 CONDITIONING of your 12 week program you will start to build muscle and strength, become more flexible, and see yourself getting leaner.  You will follow Phase 1 of your meal planning while getting your body prepared for the transformation ahead!

Toning and Shaping

Las Vegas weight management nutritionist level 2Level 2 TONE includes the core elements to getting the most out of your workouts. I will personally show you 4 secrets known only to a select group of fitness professionals, that will produce a long, lean, tone physique. You will notice more energy and how much stronger you are getting each week as others begin to notice the changes in you! You will follow Phase 2 of your meal planning designed to help you lose weight the safe way, while building muscle and strength and best of all seeing results from your efforts!

Building Lean Muscle With Free-Weights

Las Vegas weight management nutritionist level 3In Level 3 REMODEL everything changes. You have learned a lot over the last 2 levels of the 12 Weeks To a New You Program and It is now time to incorporate free-weight training into your workouts. You will follow Phase 3 of your meal planning designed to build lean muscle mass and burn body fat!

We Want To Get To Know You!

At PI4L Fitness & Nutrition Coaching our consultations are not your average gym trainer meeting where we spend 10-15 minutes together. Our skilled and friendly staff actually take the time to get to know you so we can really help you and put together the best program that will give you real results! If your goal is to lose more than 10 pounds of body fat it all starts with your nutrition habits. If this is you then we recommend the 90 minute body and nutrition assessment with a Certified Weight Management Nutritionist where we go over your eating habits together and provide you with a custom meal plan to help you fix what is broken in your day to day nutrition intake. Which option works best for you? Email us here!

Get Scheduled Today, Start Tomorrow!


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